Medical Disclaimer The content and services provided by Johar Homes Clinic, under the guidance of Dr. Ali Imran Jaffari, are strictly for educational and informational purposes. They should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
All medical treatments and recommendations are based on the patient’s disclosed medical history, current health conditions, and the clinic’s evaluation. Outcomes may vary, and no guarantees are made regarding specific results or recovery.
Liability Disclaimer Johar Homes Clinic does not accept liability for any loss, injury, or damage resulting from:
- Non-compliance with the prescribed treatment plan.
- Misrepresentation or omission of medical history by the patient.
- Delayed or inadequate follow-up care.
The clinic disclaims any liability arising from the misuse of information provided during consultations or on its platforms.
Emergency Disclaimer In the event of an emergency or critical condition, patients are advised to contact local emergency services immediately. The clinic is not equipped to handle life-threatening emergencies or acute complications requiring hospitalization.
Third-Party Disclaimer The clinic may recommend or refer patients to third-party services, such as laboratories or specialists. Johar Homes Clinic does not assume responsibility for the accuracy, quality, or outcomes of services provided by these third parties.
By utilizing the clinic’s services, you acknowledge and accept the terms outlined in this disclaimer.